

Is a static-typed, open source programming language with a focus on safety, performance and productivity. It has a C++ / VisualBasic styled syntax that is natural to read and easy to write.

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// GorillaScript
// example.ape

function main () {
"Hello, world");

class foo {
string m_Name;
    constructor {

API Reference
Language Reference
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New site layout uploaded

The previous site design, while looking quite clean, felt a little clunky so I redesigned it using a few sources including ruby-lang.org for the layout and graphic design. Feels much more balanced and tidy. Pity I have no idea on how to create self-updating news posting features :(.

Hope you all like it, even without much content yet..

posted on 13th March 2007



Development Status:

Current Task:
Virtual Machine > Compiler

Current Versions:
Language: 1.0
API: 0.1a


This website is made by Nicholas Bedford.
Please contact me at gorillascript@gmail.com for questions or comments concerning this website.